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Stream custom generator functions

You can use generator functions (ie. functions that use the yield keyword, and behave like iterators) in a LCEL pipeline.

The signature of these generators should be Iterator[Input] -> Iterator[Output]. Or for async generators: AsyncIterator[Input] -> AsyncIterator[Output].

These are useful for: - implementing a custom output parser - modifying the output of a previous step, while preserving streaming capabilities

Let’s implement a custom output parser for comma-separated lists.

Sync version​

%pip install --upgrade --quiet  langchain langchain-openai
from typing import Iterator, List

from import ChatPromptTemplate
from langchain_core.output_parsers import StrOutputParser
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI

prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(
"Write a comma-separated list of 5 animals similar to: {animal}"
model = ChatOpenAI(temperature=0.0)

str_chain = prompt | model | StrOutputParser()
for chunk in{"animal": "bear"}):
print(chunk, end="", flush=True)
lion, tiger, wolf, gorilla, panda
str_chain.invoke({"animal": "bear"})
'lion, tiger, wolf, gorilla, panda'
# This is a custom parser that splits an iterator of llm tokens
# into a list of strings separated by commas
def split_into_list(input: Iterator[str]) -> Iterator[List[str]]:
# hold partial input until we get a comma
buffer = ""
for chunk in input:
# add current chunk to buffer
buffer += chunk
# while there are commas in the buffer
while "," in buffer:
# split buffer on comma
comma_index = buffer.index(",")
# yield everything before the comma
yield [buffer[:comma_index].strip()]
# save the rest for the next iteration
buffer = buffer[comma_index + 1 :]
# yield the last chunk
yield [buffer.strip()]
list_chain = str_chain | split_into_list
for chunk in{"animal": "bear"}):
print(chunk, flush=True)
list_chain.invoke({"animal": "bear"})
['lion', 'tiger', 'wolf', 'gorilla', 'panda']

Async version​

from typing import AsyncIterator

async def asplit_into_list(
input: AsyncIterator[str],
) -> AsyncIterator[List[str]]: # async def
buffer = ""
async for (
) in input: # `input` is a `async_generator` object, so use `async for`
buffer += chunk
while "," in buffer:
comma_index = buffer.index(",")
yield [buffer[:comma_index].strip()]
buffer = buffer[comma_index + 1 :]
yield [buffer.strip()]

list_chain = str_chain | asplit_into_list
async for chunk in list_chain.astream({"animal": "bear"}):
print(chunk, flush=True)
await list_chain.ainvoke({"animal": "bear"})
['lion', 'tiger', 'wolf', 'gorilla', 'panda']